Saturday, November 22, 2008

Successful Piitu

Last Sunday I was very tired and I felt a little feverish. Piitu was going to attend to her first official agility competition. She had taken part of some competitions "for dummies" but she was dismissed every time because of too many errors. All the obstacles have to be done in a certain order and Piitu usually does not care. I decided to leave home.

This time the coach was Piitu's teacher Noora Salonen who is very experienced in dogs and teaching. Here is a video of the first competition. No mistakes but 3 seconds over the time limit and third place in the competition.

When my daughter phoned us about the success, we decided to go and see this miracle. Maybe because we were there the second track did go wrong from the second obstacle... Result: dismissed. We went back home and Piitu was left for the third competition and this time no errors, not exceeding the time limit and second place. The first step in a hopefully long career. With three similar results Piitu gets to a more advanced level.

Here is the winner with her trophies.

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