Monday, October 15, 2007

Police suspect Finnish connection as 80,000 online passwords are compromised

The Finnish Communications Regulatory Authority (Ficora) regards it as almost a certainty that the compromising and publishing on the Net of around 80,000 online passwords is an act of Finnish origin.
Apparently passwords have been lifted from five or six Finnish discussion groups, chatrooms, or social networking sites over the space of a couple of weeks.

read more | digg story

According to MikroPC the break- in to their sites have been confirmed at least Rakkausrunot- (Love Poems), Kiekkoliiga-(hockey leadue), BatMUD- ja Mesenet-Galleria. These use php-based phpBB-forum software and BatMUD Invision Power Board -software.
Also (Widget) has been attacked and it uses WordPress and Simple Forum.
With the information for instance some IRC-Gallery pages have been altered.
Rakkausrunot and have for a precaution altered all the passwords of their users.
According to Habbo Hotel, IRC-Gallery ja any information of their passwors have leaked outside.

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