SavvySuzy tagged me with a “Favorite Words” meme that was initially started by Isabella at Change Therapy. SavvySuzy is in MyBlogLog.
Isabella came up with “let’s make this a meme!” — her rules follows:
* what are your favourite words, and why?
* what does that tell us about you?
* write about it on your blog and invite other bloggers to write about it.i’ll
* gather the words and contributors in a list and publish it
* stumble your “favourite word” post (as long as they meet mystumble criteria, which shouldn’t be difficult with a post like this)
My “Favorite Words” list:
This was harder than I imagined. I have been searching for the words to the last 24 hours! I would like to have found words that sound nice and also represent something nice or even valuable. I could not find any! I tried English and Finnish but always either of my demands was missing. So I decided to go for the words that have a great value to me.
1) Mathematics – since it is present everywhere. All people just can’t see it, but every object you can see around you has involved a lot of mathematics when it was planned and created. It is included in many abstract things, too, even though I think feelings should not be “mathematicized”
2) Puzzle – and especially the English word. Finnish does not even have one that would represent all the aspects. A puzzle can be mechanical, logical or mathematical and it may contain pieces, words, numbers, lines or pixels. Even life is puzzling sometimes.
3) Laskutikku – the Finnish word for slide rule (we often join the words to a compound). A neat thing, which has had to move aside because of the calculators. I remember the magic using it.
4) Concept – the idea which starts to form in your head and finally develops to something, a theory or a solution of a problem which has been bothering you.
5) Satisfaction – the incredible feeling you have when you have gained something regarding words 1) and 2)
I forgot the second part of the meme, as Isabella pointed out in her comment. I maybe thought it was obvious what these words tell about me.
To a normal person I seem like a prototype of the mathematics professor from jokes. I am so wrapped up in my mathematical world that I may not notice what happens around me :) Well, it's not actually so bad. To me the most beautiful things in the world can be found in mathematics. I am a teacher and when I start teaching, my topics gets me so carried away. The students know that and sometimes laugh about it, but many have started to see the beauty themselves. The same beauty I can find in all kinds of puzzles, but I am totally into Japanese picture logic puzzles and as my blog title tells, Conceptis makes the best puzzles and feeds my addiction. The slide rule tells that I am old-fashioned and think that using calculators leaves out an important aspect of the solving process, estimating the answer!
“Isabella hasn’t posted a deadline on her meme but since she will be posting a list of all the contributers, I would imagine participating sooner is better than later.”
Anyone is free to participate. But I will tag a few using the same strategy Suzy did, people from MyBlogLog:
Bloghenge from Bloghenge Blog is Fun!
JwJ from Ysei and
billspaced from Rants 'n Reviews
thanks for participating! another interesting set of words. of course i'm quite enamoured with laskutikku. from germany originally, i know all about compound words. so what does it mean, translated literally - slide rule, too?
it's great to meet such a mathematical mind. reminds me of a good friend of mine who hunts for prime numbers for relaxation.
oh, and here is the other part of the meme: what do these words tell you about yourself? if someone who doesn't know you would only know these are your favourite words, what would they know about you?
Hi Leena,
It's nice to meet a blogger from way over there in Finland, and all it took was a tag. How cool is that? I think that is just awesome.
You also rose to the challenge -- which was a little tricky, but you did it in style. Thanks so much!
I also learned a new word, "laskutikku."
Now, if I could only say it. ;) My other issue was keeping some of the new names straight of "taggees" -- like you, Leena , and, Neena, who's in Canada.
Have a great week and take care way over there. :)Suzy
Hi Isabella,
Thank you for your kind words.
Laskutikku is translated slide rule and that is the reason why I used the Finnish one; it is one word :)
I completed the second part by editing the post.
thank you for tagging me! It was a challenge to me. I first thought it was easy, but realized I had to stick to my dearest words.
I have to say that these things have made blogging so fun for me: getting to know so many new people around the world and quite unexpectedly!
I'll add both of you in my Blogroll.
You're very welcome, Leena. And since you liked that one so much, how would you like to be tagged for another?
I got tagged for the "Birthday Month" meme, before I did the "Favorite words" one. It involved tagging more people (12 to be exact.)
Well, I did" mine, but the others I tagged didn't respond. So I'm adding you to the list -- hope you're game for another? :)Suzy
Oh by the way -- for this one there is no deadline. I thought I'd add that. :)
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